22. 7. 08


Zelo zivahno in pestro glavno mesto Pnom Penh ima nekaj znamenitosti in zgodovine.... ko jih boste zeleli videt, se boste ze pozanimali.... ampak tukaj je tudi nekaj nase zgodovine.... AMPAK KLE JE TUT NEKAJ NASE ZGODOVINE. Nasla sem ulico v centru mesta... v eno smer se imenuje Jugoslavije, v drugo smer pa Josip B. Tito... Zdele lahka vidmo zakaj je bil tok popularn, valda k je postavlal svoje ulice vse povsod po svetu :) ....
The capital city - Pnom Penh has some interesting sights and history...you will find out which when you would want to see them... but here is some our history too. I found the street in the center.... one way is named Street Yugoslavie and the other was is named after it's president (our ex president) Josip B. Tito. Now we can see, why our president was so popular all over the world... cos he was making streets all over the world of course :) .....

Zakaj pidzama country... ker so vse tete oblecene v pizamo, ne glede na cas, plac, druzbo.... Cel dan!!! Ujela sm dve teti na trznici, tretja je pozirala poleg tipicnega azijskega 'hladilnika'.
Why pijama country... cos the ladies are wearing pijamas all the time, everywhere,... I cought two of them in the market, the third one was posing with tipical Asian fridge.


Po treh mesecih sem koncno spet uzivala v morju, soncu, pescenih plazah in dobri morski hrani... vse skupaj je pocitek polepsala tudi prijetna druzba.
After 3 months I finally enjoyed sun, sea, sandy beaches, good sea food... topping on the cake was also good company!!!


Ko si enkrat v Cambodiji je obvezen ogled 8. najvecje svetovne znamenitosti - ANGKOR WAT.... Takoj, ko sem prisla v Siem Reap sem si zrihtala motorin (jupiiii) za ogled lepot tega ogromnega mesta templjev iz 11. stoletja. Templje sem si hotela v miru ogledat sama, da lahko naredim tudi kaksno dobro fotko.... Po dveh dneh voznje z vetrom v laseh, sem ugotovila, da za turiste ni dovoljen najem motorjev in ogled templjev z njimi... vsi so me sprasevali, ce govorim kmerski jezik ali ce delam v Cambodiji... Nisem niti vedela.... Ja moj sofer ni znal ravno najbolje anglesko, da bi mi objasnil pravila - da je ogled templjev mozen samo z najetim soferjem ali turisticnim vodicem... ni mel druge, kot da mi je dal motor v najem.... Po moje cele 3 dni ni spal. No tukaj je nekaj naj posnetkov.
If you are in Cambodia must place is 8th world attraction - TEMPELS ANGKOR WAT... As I ended up in city Siem Reap I arranged a motorbike (jupiii) to visit all the beauties of this enormous place full of tempels from 11th centuary. I wanted to see them by myself to make some good photos. After two days I found out that it is forbidden for turist to rent the motorbikes.... everybody were asking me if I speak Khmer or if I work there... I didn't even know... the driver did not speak english very good to explain me the rules (that I have to rent a driver or turist guide) and had no choice than to rent me the motorbike. Probably he didn't sleep for a couple of days.... Here are some best shots....