Slovenia se je ocitno nekaj zamerila Vietnamu... mi bogi Slovencki dobimo vizo samo za 14 dni (za razliko od ostalih, ki dobijo za 30 dni). Z dobrim planom sem uspela obiskati 7 razlicnih mest... pricela sem v mestu Ho Chi Minh na jugu, kjer sem se po 4 mesecih pocutila kot v evropi... kljub naguzvanem mestu (12 mio motorjev) in mnogih soping centrih je mesto zelo prijetno za popotnike. Tukaj sem ponovno srecala Clare, Joyce in Nathana... skupaj smo obiskali mesto in raziskali nocno zivljenje.
Cos I got visa for Vietnam only for 14 days I needed to make a very good plan to see most of it. Started in Ho Chi Minh city on the south where I felt like in Europe after 4 months.... very crowded city (12 mio motorbikes), but the stile of the city (especially the backpacker's area) is very pleasent. Here I met Clare (once again after Cambodia), Joyce and Nathan, together we visited the sights and explored the night life...
Katedrala (koncno nekaj domacega po dolgem casu)... z Joyce sva obiskali velicastne dvorane mestne palace....

Ta pa je mocna... cel svet drzi v rokah (vodnike mnogih drzav).... in vietnamska 'siesta' pa kjerkoli ze :)
She must be strong... almost the whole world in her hands (loads of guides)... and vietnam 'siesta' wherever you are :)
Plazenje v vojnih podzemnih tunelih... crowling through the tunnels used in Vietnam war...

Po domace smo sli tudi v kino.... Sex and the city (se vidi da smo bile zenske v vecini)
As at home we went in the cinema... Sex and the city (you can see women were in majority)