30. 4. 08

Je ze cas, da kej napisem.... It is time to write something after a long time....

Ze mesec je mimo, ko smo na Tajskem proslavljali novo leto 2551... Ni mi
jasno kje je ostalih 243 let? :D Praznovanje novega leta Tajci imenujejo Songkran festival oz. 'water war'. Za 4 dni se zaprejo vse trgovine, banke,.... kar pomeni, vsi na ulice in akcija.... oblivanje z vodo... mladi, stari, tujci & Tajci, vse kar miga in kar gre. Spodnji film vse pove (fotoaparat je ostal na varnem v sobi):
One month passed since we celebrated Thai New Year 2551... I do not get where is the rest of 243 years?!? :D Celebrating is called Songkran festival or 'water war'. All the shops, banks,... closes dawn for 4 days, which means... everybody on the streets and action.... throwing buckets of water all around... young, old, foreigns & Thai people. The movie below will explain everything (my camera was most of the time safely in the room):


Po nori tridnevni zabavi je sledil preborat... 10 dnevna meditacija v Budisticnem samostanu. Kaj to pomeni, 10 dni si samo ti in tvoja glava... Dobis napotke za meditacijo v sedecem in stojecem stanju. Posebna pravila: 10 dni brez mobitela in interneta, bele obleke, vstajanje ob 04.00 zjutraj, dva obroka dnevno, prvi ob 06.00, drugi in zadnji ob 10.30. Za tem samo mleko, sladoled ali jogurt. Se pocutis kot v neki sekti :)
Ker je tezko spremenit bioritem, sem po 4-ih dneh pricela vstajati ob 6-ih, da je meditacija bila bolj uspesna. Po desetih dneh so tvoje misli in tvoja glava prevetrena, kristalno jasne misli,...si kot prerojen. Ampak... nic skrbet... se vedno ostajam ista Twonka :)
After crazy 3 days long water party the change was coming.... 10 days of meditation in Monasteri. What that means, 10 days is only you and your head... You get instructions how to meditate in siting and walking position. Special rules: 10 days without mobile phone and internet, white clothes, gettig up at 4' clock in the morming, two meals a day, first at 6'o clock, second and the last at 10.30. After you are alowed to drink milk, eat ice-cream or yogurt. You feel like you joined sect. After 10 days your thoughts and head are clean... you are a new person. No worries... still the same as I was before.

V samostanu sem spoznala noro Irko... Ruth, Brazilca Lea in Angleza Mike. Meditacijo smo nadaljevali z motorji ;) ... odpravli smo se na slapove Nacionalnega parka Doi Inthanon in dosegli najvisji vrh Tajske (2500m). Brrrrr. Ni snega, je pa mraz.
In Monastery I met crazy girl form Ireland... Ruth, Brazilian guy Leo and Mike from England. After meditation we rented motorbikes (jupiii) and went to see waterfalls in National park Doi Inthanon and reached the highest peak in Thailand (2500m). Brrr. No snow, but was cold anyway.

Vas pisanih deznikov/Umbrella village

Z Jennifer (Avstralka) sva obiskali vasico deznikov in vroce izvire v okolici CM. Ker je to bilo dan pred pricetkom festivala sva vedeli, sva v roku 5-ih minut bili popolnoma mokri. Najprej sva obiskali tovarno papirja, ki je bolj zgledala farma, ki izdeluje papir iz lesa. Za tem sva obiskali prodajalno in center kjer deznike izdelujejo.
Me and Jennifer (girl from Australia) decided to visit Umbrella village and Hot Springs near CM. Although we knew that we will get totally wet on the way cos this was just 1 day before the Songkran festival. First we visited the paper factory which looked more like farm that produces paper from woods and after we visited the store and the center where they make umbrellas.

V Sankampaeng vrocih izvirih sva se okopali v vodi s 35 stopinjami in skuhali vecerjo - JAJCKA v bazenu s 105 stopinjami.
We were swiming in Sankampaeng hot springs (35 degrees) and cooked our dinner - EGGS in a pool with 105 degrees.