Cas je da se tut kej naucimo... sola Tajske kuhinje!!!! Njammmmi... same gurmanke smo se najdle! Najprej smo sle na trznico v soping, potem pripravile 10 jedi in jih vse sproti tudi pojedle in na koncu se malo zaplesale :))) Tko da ko bom doma se pripravite na PIKANTNE BANANE!!! :0
After 3 months back to BKK... I felt like home!!! Everything was familiar: food & food stals, streets, traffic...!!!
It was time to learn something new... cooking course of Thai food!!! MMM... First was shopping in the nearest market, second was making 10 different dishes, third was eating them all of course and finnished the course with dancnig :)
Tkole pa v sekundi/dve teta spece palacinko za spomladanske zavihke.
In a sec or two the pancake for spring rolls is done!!