24. 9. 08


Iz Malezijskega polotoka sva s Helen leteli na Borneo-Sabah...prva misija je bila splezati na najvisjo goro jugovzhodne Azije: Mt Kinabalu (4.095m - se nikoli bila tako visoko).
Prve priprave so bile nakupovanje zimskih stvari: kapa, 3 pari rokavic, dezna jakna in pohodniski cevlji.... ki so deloma razpadli po enem dnevu uporabe (dan pred odhodom), jeziku je odpadu... Valda to se lahko zgodi samo Twonki.... :D ni blo druge kot se spravit sivat.....
From Malaysian peninsula we flew on Borneo-Sabah, where our first mission was to climb the highest mountain in SE Asia: Mt Kinabalu (4.095m - never been this high before).
First preparations.... buying warm staff: hat, 3 pair of gloves, rain coat and hikking shoes.... which fell appart right the next day (the day before climbing the mountain), tounge fell off.... This can happen only to Twonka... so no other choise than to sew the tounge back on the shoe...

Ne sam cevelj tudi zadrga majhnega nahrbtnika, ki naj bi sel z mano na goro, je odpovedala in sicer minuto pred odhodom. Torej v naglici je blo treba zamenjat nahrbtnike.... tako sem plezala na goro z velikim nahrbtnikom.... Tezka je bla.... s 10kg narami.
Not only shoe fell apart also the zip of the small bag broke right the minute before leaving the room in the morning... so in a hurry needed to change the bag and take the big backpack with me on the mountain....

Koncno pripravljeni na vzpon prvih 6km do postaje tik pod vrhom, kjer smo prenocili. Na poti gor smo srecali domacine, ki so na hrbtu tovorili hrano in stvari, ki so potrebne v postaji.... gospa na sliki je bila nalozena s 35kg... o Budha.... (hvala bogu nism bila jst edina mula). Na postaji smo lahko uzivali cudoviti soncni zahod nad oblaki.
Finaly prepared to climb first 6km... to the station where we stayed overnight. Walking through idyllic forest we met few locals that were carrying loads of food and staff needed at the station. The lady on a pic was loaded with 35 kg..... o Buda.... At the station we could enjoy marvelous sunset above the clouds.

Ob dveh zjutraj smo se oblekli vsa oblacila, ki smo jih imeli, saj naj bi na vrhu bilo okrog nicle..... po dolgem casu sem se pocutila kot v Sloveniji.... :) Zakljucili smo se zadnja 2 km do vrha... ponavadi ne jamram, ampak tokrat pa je bilo kar malcek mucno, predvsem zaradi redkega zraka. Ceprav smo zmorzovali ko cucki (skoraj postali pingvini), smo vseeno uzivali v precudovitem razgledu in soncnem vzhodu.
Next day morning at 2am we dressed all the clothes that we had (cos at the top was around 0 degrees)... i felt like in Slovenia after a long time :) We finished the last 2km to the summit which was killing cos of the thinner air. While trying not to become penguin we could enjoy fantastic view over the ireland and even more fantastic sunrise.

Skoraj na vrhu je bila javna govorilnica... valda sm morala poklicat mamo, da sm prezivela..... ;)
Almost at the top there was a public phone... of course I needed to call my mum... that I survived... ;)

10. 9. 08


Ma kaj ces boljsega... Mini otocek z sinje modrim cistim morjem (ku bazen), pescene plaze, prijazni ljudje in podvodni svet, da mors it kr 2 krat snorklat :D
Zvecer smo uzivali ob soncnih zahodih, ognju in ti. lokalnim drinkom 'monkey juice'
What could be better.... Mini island with eky blue clean water (like in the swimming pool), white sandy beaches, friendly people and incredible underwater world (that you need to go snorkling twice) :D
In the evenings we enjoyed sunsets, fire on the beach and local drink 'monkey juice'.

Tole se pa pol zgodi, ce popijes prevec monkey juice-a. This what happens if you drink too much of monkey juice....

Snorkl ekipa z Malezijskim Henrijem na celu. Plavali smo z zelvami, morskimi psmi, vidli ogromno pisanih ribic in koral. Je blo tko fajn da smo sli kr 2 krat.
Snorkeling team with Malaysian guy Henry on top... We were swimming with turtles, sea sharks and have seen lots of colourful fishes and corals. It was so good that we went snorkeling twice...

K eksoticnim plazam se podajo tudi eksoticne fotke... Ena skupinska...
With exotic beaches goes also exotic pictures... this is one of them...


Trio adijo ;) se je odpravil z rentanim avtom po otoku Langkawi. Tukaj mi je Helen zaupala makino in preuskusila sem se v voznji z avtomobilom po levi strani ceste. Ma kaj je ksn problem? :)
3 crazy cheeks rented a car and went around the ireland Langkawi. Helen let mi drive the car and it was my first time driving the car on the left side of the road. Is there any problem? :)

Z zicnico na najvisjo goro otoka uzivat razgled....
With cable car on the highest mountain of the ireland to enjoy the view...

Slapovi in opice, ki so napadle moje rambutane... punce so uzivale v show-u, ko sem z vrescanjem in sopkom sadja nad mojo glavo poskusila resit nas prigrizek...
Waterfalls and monkeys that attacked my rambutans... girsl enjoyed in the show time while I was trying to save our snack with screaming and holding bunch of ramubtans upon my head.


Preden sem zapustila Tajsko sem obiskala se nekaj obmorskih krajev in otockov na zahodni obali....
Enodnevni relax v Railey-u, ki je dostopen samo z ladjo... srecala sem ogromno plezalcev, ki so jih privabile klifse stene.

Before leaving Thailand I visited few places and islands on the west coast of Thailand.
First was one day of relax on Railey beaches, which is reachable only by boat.... there were lots of climbers chalanging on the limestones clifs.

Pescene plaze in nocno zivljenje otoka Phuket je najvecja atrakcija za evropejske pocitnikovalce.... Prikriti razvrat (18<)... poglejte si strica, se kr ne more nagledat 'lepo opremljenih lepotcev'
Phuket - white sandy beaches and night life attracks lots of european turists... Movie only for those over 18 year old :S... do not do this at home ;)

Otok Phi Phi.... Tukaj se je skoval klan, ki je kasneje skupaj z ladjo vstopil v Malezijo. Bye bye Thailand!!!

ISLAND PHI PHI... Here was established the team that latter entered into Malaysia... And than bye bye Thailand.