Enodnevni relax v Railey-u, ki je dostopen samo z ladjo... srecala sem ogromno plezalcev, ki so jih privabile klifse stene.
Before leaving Thailand I visited few places and islands on the west coast of Thailand.
First was one day of relax on Railey beaches, which is reachable only by boat.... there were lots of climbers chalanging on the limestones clifs.
Pescene plaze in nocno zivljenje otoka Phuket je najvecja atrakcija za evropejske pocitnikovalce.... Prikriti razvrat (18<)... poglejte si strica, se kr ne more nagledat 'lepo opremljenih lepotcev'
Phuket - white sandy beaches and night life attracks lots of european turists... Movie only for those over 18 year old :S... do not do this at home ;)
Otok Phi Phi.... Tukaj se je skoval klan, ki je kasneje skupaj z ladjo vstopil v Malezijo. Bye bye Thailand!!!
ISLAND PHI PHI... Here was established the team that latter entered into Malaysia... And than bye bye Thailand.
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