30. 3. 08

nazaj v Bangkok

Ker sta Maja in Simon letela nazaj domov, smo dan pred odhodom obiskali se nekaj zanimivosti Bangkoka. Farma kac razstavlja najbolj znamenite kace Tajske, po ogledu le te in po mini showu smo imeli priloznost se fotkat z lacno kaco okoli vratu... k sreci nismo bili njeno kosilo.
Because Maja & Simon needed to fly back home we visited some more sights of Bangkok the day before they left. We visited Snake farm that exhibits snakes of Thayland and after mini show we had a chance to take some photos with hungry snake around our neck :) Luckily we were not her favourite choice :)

In Tanja nebi bila Tanja, ce bi samo hodila po mestu in to je to. Neki sm tela uspict... pogledam okoli sebe in me sine ideja, da se spravimo na najblizji stolp. Ko smo vstopili se je izkazalo, da je to 2. najvecji stolp v Bangkoku v katerem je hotel s prestizno restavracijo na vrhu. Na zalost je za obisk restavracije dress-code bil obvezen. Prijazno osebje je Simonu posodilo cevlje in hlace in nas poslalo na 59 nadstropje, kar je 196m visine. Imeli smo fantasticen nocni razgled nad mestom s 17 mio prebivalstva. QL ne?
It just wouldn't be me if I would just walk around the city. I wanted to do something crazy.... I looked around and sudenly got un idea to go on the top of one closer tower. After entering the building we found out that this is a hotel with a restaurant at the top. Very kind staff they borrowed the shoes and trousers for Simon cos dress code was obligatory. They sent us on the 59th flor, which was 196m high and we had a marvelous noght view over the Bangkok that has 17 mio citizens. We visited the second highest tower in BKK.

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