30. 3. 08

Otocka Ko Samui in Ko Tao

Najprej, hvala za vse komentarje na blogu in maile, vi kar pisite ... vse preberem, sam ni veliko casa za odgovore. First thank you for all the comments on the blog and e-mails, continue writing... I read it all, just don't have that much time to reply... you understand me :)

Iz severa letimo na jug... najprej na otocek Ko Samui. Zelo turisticen otok z veliko trgovinicami, stojnicami, clubi, masaznimi saloni...
Ker nam otocek ni bil najbolj vsec (tudi morje ni bilo ravno cisto), smo odpluli na mini otocek Koh Tao - poznan kot otok zelv (ceprav jih ni - bile nekoc). Sem vecinoma zahajajo potapljaci - veliko je centrov za potapljanje. Sli smo na celodnevno snorklanje okoli otocka in v pisanem podvodnem svetu zivali smo zaplavali tudi med morske pse... in to brez kletk, da ne bo pomote.
We flew from the north to the south...first on the ireland named Ko Samui. Very turistical ireland with many shops, markets, clubs, massage saloons...
We didn't like it very much (also the sea wasn't very clean) and decided to go on mini ireland Koh Tao - known as an ireland of turtles althougt there aren't any (used to be). The ireland is good spot for divers too - there are many diving centers. We decided only to go snorkeling around the ireland and among sea colorful animals we had chance to swim with sharks too... and without cages.

Ko Tao nam je bil resnicno vsec se posebej, ker smo bungalov dobili skoraj na plazi (no 5m stran pa res) in 5m od restavracije.... kaj ces bolsga! Plaza in morje sta bila fantasticna.
We realy liked Ko Tao especially because we got bungalow almost on the beach (actually 5m from it) and 5m from the restaurant... what could be better! And the beach and the water sea was really incredible.

Seveda smo se morali slikati s pridno natakarico War-Wa iz Burme in odlicno sefico kuhinje Toy, ustregli sta vsem zeljam nasih lacnih zelodckov.
Of course we had to make foto with great War-Wa - waitress from Burma & Toy excelent chief cook, they satisfied our hunger every time.

Na otockih 'lady boysi' zvecer uprizarjajo show-e...., ki so lahko zelo zanimivi in zabavni. Z Majo sva bili navduseni nad njimi, bi pa morali videti Simona, ki je postal zelen med gledanjem showa... le zakaj :)
On the irelands every evening the lady boys make shows... and they can be really good ones (the shows I mean). Me and Maja were delighted by them :) but you should see Simon becoming completely green while looking at the show in the club. :)

1 komentar:

Unknown pravi ...

Žonborno :) vidim,da uživate in se predajate užitkom eksotike.Upam,da si privoščiš tudi kako eksotično jed.Pa ne ravno tistega pitona, ki te tako obožuje.Mogoče kake podgane...sem slišal,da so odlične :))
Poskusi zdej maš priložnost.
