14. 4. 08


Ponovno v drugem najvecjem mestu Tajske. Odlocila sem se, da tu ostanem dlje casa, ker je poceni, da se mal sestavim in obiscem zanimivosti v okolici CM. Seveda pa se v roku enega tedna pricne Songkran Festival in tajsko novo leto.... Festival (beri OBLIVANJE Z VODO) se odvija po celi Tajski, ampak pravijo, da ga je najbolse dozivet v CM - TO SE SPLACA POCAKAT!!! Ponovno sem se srecala z Maruso (slovenko, ki smo se srecale v Canchanaburi) in preziveli sva enkraten vikend, predvsem ob raziskovanju nocnega zivljenja. Ob vikendih je Nedeljski sejem, kjer lahko nabavis kar se zmislis. Istocasno se je odvijal Art in Kulturni festival, ki predstavlja glasbene skupine iz razlicnih sosednjih drzav Tajske.
Again in the second biggest city in Thailand. I decided to stay a bit longer in CM, to rest a bit and visit sights around it. And of course after one week there is a Thai New Year and Songkran Festival starting (means throwing water on other people) ... and I was told that the best place to spend is in CM. I found out that Marusa (the Slovenian girl that I met in Canchanaburi) is also in CM so we spent great weekend together.... There is Sunday market on weekends where you can buy everything there. And there was also the Art & Cultural festival.... presenting music groups from different countries around Thailand.

Najela sem motor za en teden in prvi izlet je bil v mestece Pai - 'V divjino' (130 km iz CM) skupaj z Kolowom iz Bolgarije in Lousem iz Anglije. Izlet z motorji cez hribe, skozi pisano naravo, rizeva polja... me je ponovno navdusil nad motorjem in nad nadrealisticno idejo, da si enega nabavim za potovanje po Aziji. Na poti v Pai so se nekateri otroci ze segrevali za festival, tko da je potovanje bilo pra
I rented a motorbike for a week to visit all
the Sights of CM and cities around and first trip was trip to Pai - Into The Wild (130 km from CM). I went there with Kolow from Bolgaria and Louis from England. The trip over the hills in a colourful countryside got me crazy again over motorbikes... again I was unrealistic - thinking to buy one.

Pai je zanimiva, mirna vasica obkrozena z naravnimi lepotami (kanjon, slapovi, vroci izviri, slonje farme...) in hribskimi vasicami z avtohtonimi prebivalci... Tudi nase bivanje je bilo kot v divjini. Spodaj je nekaj fotkic nasega bungalov letovisca, do katerega si lahko prispel preko mosta narejenega iz bambusa.
Pai is interesting peaceful village with beautiful countryside (canyon, waterfalls, hotsprings, elephant camps) and many hill tribe villages ... Also our stay was like in the wild. You can see our bungalow resort... you needed to cros the bamboo bridge to get to the bungalow resort.

Veliki kanjon z razgledom, seveda smo naslednji dan ob 5-ih zjutraj (po treh urah spanja) leteli na ogled soncnega vzhoda.
Grand canyon with a great view, of course we couldn't miss the sunrise.

Night life in Pai offers a lots of different bars with live western music... but we jumped into a Thai bar with karaoke again...

Na poti nazaj v CM smo bili sele mokri (otroci stojijo ob cesti in z vedri vode oblivajo mimoidoce, se najraje turiste - oni recejo 'Falang')!!! Ampak nic zato, temperature so bile med 35 in 40 stopinj, osvezujoce.
On the way back to CM we got soaked up to the skin (childrens are standing beside the street and throwing buckets of water into people, especialy turists - they say 'Falang'). But nevermind, the temperature was between 35 and 40 degrees, so it was more or less refreshing.

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