22. 7. 08


Ko si enkrat v Cambodiji je obvezen ogled 8. najvecje svetovne znamenitosti - ANGKOR WAT.... Takoj, ko sem prisla v Siem Reap sem si zrihtala motorin (jupiiii) za ogled lepot tega ogromnega mesta templjev iz 11. stoletja. Templje sem si hotela v miru ogledat sama, da lahko naredim tudi kaksno dobro fotko.... Po dveh dneh voznje z vetrom v laseh, sem ugotovila, da za turiste ni dovoljen najem motorjev in ogled templjev z njimi... vsi so me sprasevali, ce govorim kmerski jezik ali ce delam v Cambodiji... Nisem niti vedela.... Ja moj sofer ni znal ravno najbolje anglesko, da bi mi objasnil pravila - da je ogled templjev mozen samo z najetim soferjem ali turisticnim vodicem... ni mel druge, kot da mi je dal motor v najem.... Po moje cele 3 dni ni spal. No tukaj je nekaj naj posnetkov.
If you are in Cambodia must place is 8th world attraction - TEMPELS ANGKOR WAT... As I ended up in city Siem Reap I arranged a motorbike (jupiii) to visit all the beauties of this enormous place full of tempels from 11th centuary. I wanted to see them by myself to make some good photos. After two days I found out that it is forbidden for turist to rent the motorbikes.... everybody were asking me if I speak Khmer or if I work there... I didn't even know... the driver did not speak english very good to explain me the rules (that I have to rent a driver or turist guide) and had no choice than to rent me the motorbike. Probably he didn't sleep for a couple of days.... Here are some best shots....

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