23. 6. 08


Pocasi proti jugu... Savanakhet in Pakse... Iz mesta Pakse sem 3 dni z motorinom raziskovala bliznji nacinalni park Bolaven Plateau... in 'domorodce'.
Slowly towards south... Savanakhet and Pakse... From Pakse I went with motorbike for 3 days to explore nearest national park Bolaven Plateau and 'aborigines'.

Takole pa zraste kavica, ki jo vsako jutro radi srknemo... Laozani pripravijo odlicno kavo z mlekom... in seveda z ogromno ledu.
Coffee that we like to drink it every morning is planted like this.... In Laos you can get tasty cofee with milk.... and of course a lot of ice.

Tik pred preckanjem meje v Camobodio je se ena obvezna postojanka na reki Mekong - SI PHAN DON (4000 OTOKOV). Na 14 km siroki reki se prepletajo sipine, kanali, slapovi, ceri in otocki... Otocke polne rizevih polj okrasujejo palmova drevesa. Razigrani otroci v reki, pridelovalci riza, ribici in zenske, ki perejo perilo popestrijo popoldansko voznjo s kolesom po otocku. Je postojanka, kjer ni veliko za pocet, je pa zame bil najbolj relaxing plaz. Popotniki take plaze zelo hitro izvohamo, tako da je tu veliko poceni hostlov, restavracij in barckov za uzivat.
There is one more 'must place' before crossing the boarder to Cambodia - SI PHAN DON (4000 IRELANDS). Here the Mekong river fans out forming network of channels, rocks, sandbars and islets 14 km wide. The islets full of rice fields are decorated by palm trees. The round-island cycle through rice fields was diversified by kids playing in the river, farmers, fishermans and women that were wasing clother in the river. There is not a lot to do here, but for me was one of the most relaxing place in Laos. Of course backpackers find places like this very fast, so here are many chip guesthouses, restaurants and bars to enjoy.

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